This book is the natural sequel to the earlier Volume 3, Easy Ensembles For Guitar. It is for classical guitar students of what could be broadlycalled an intermediate level, usually a school Year 9 or 10 age group, or those of a competent Grade 3 or 4 standard. However, there is scope in many of the arrangements to place both less or more experienced players onto parts appropriate to their level. A 62-page book containing 10 great sounding titles each with full score and individual parts, these arecompletely new works never previously published for guitar ensemble Œ_ f rom Bach, Sor, and Llobet, to jazzy folk song arrangements and new, modern classical pieces. Students would require knowledge of the 1st and 2ndposition notes across all 6 strings, as well as some notes up to the 12 th fret area on the E and B strings. Other pieces also need a player or two who can play a rhythm guitar role over chord progressions when that occurs. It is also possible to effectively apply the book's contents to the plectrum style of guitar playing.